Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm sitting in my bed, a dolphin pillow pet behind my back. My brothers and sister are asleep and I should be too, but... I'm not one for sleeping. I mean, I'll go to sleep, but not naturally. I know, I know... when I get older and if I want to be a writer, I'm going to look back at these days and regret staying up so late for no real reason. But I guess I'm preparing myself for that. It's not going to be easy. The road's going to be rough and the people who love me are going to have to put up with the due dates and the sixty billion cups of coffee.
I have the same problem as always. I want to write, but there's that concrete wall with graffiti that reads "No writing here". I hate author's block. It makes me want to rip my hair out. Could you blame me?
Well, it's really late... and there's rustling in the room beside me. Within the next thirty seconds, I'm probably going to hear a little voice say, "She-ie?". I better fake being asleep.
Peace, Love, Write
~Shelby Becker

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